MANGALA HARATHI OF LORD SHIVA శివ మంగళ హారతి భవాని చంద్రశేఖరాయ శంకరాయ మంగళం గౌరినిత్య తరంగాయ ఈశ్వరాయ మంగళం పారిజాత శోబితాయ పావనాయ మం...
అభీష్ట సిద్ధిరస్తు అత్యంత అనుకూల దాంపత్య సుఖ ప్రాప్తిరస్తు చిరంజీవ చిరంజీవ సుఖీభవ సుఖీభవ ధీర్గయుష్మాన్ భవ ధీర్గసుమంగళి భవ మాంగల్యగ...
What is Pradakshinam and How it should be performed? Pradakshinam is one of the Shodashopacharas (16 ways of worshipping god). As per pura...
Sree Venkateswara Vratham in Telugu has the complete procedure with the details of the items needed for the vratham, manthras, stories and m...
Friday, December 23, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Jayalakshmi Varalakshmi by Annamacharya - Goddess Lakshmi Devotional Song
Jayalakshmi Varalakshmi by Annamacharya - Goddess Lakshmi Devotional Song
Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu - Speech For Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu - Speech For StudentsStudents
Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao Garu - Speech For Students
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
What is Pradakshinam and How it should be performed?
What is Pradakshinam and How it should be performed?
Pradakshinam is one of the Shodashopacharas (16 ways of worshipping god). As per puranas, Soothamaharshi narrated the significance of Pradakshinam to Shownakadhi muni's. Let's see the benefits of doing pradakshinam:
PRA - The letter "Pra" removes all fears and worries
DA - The letter "Da" blesses with moksha / renunciation
KSHI- The letter "KSHI" removes all kinds of diseases (Sarva vyadhi nivarana)
NAM - The letter "NAM" blesses with allround prosperity and wealth
There are various methods in doing Pradakshinams:
1. Atma Pradakshina 2. Pada Pradakshina 3. Danda Pradakshina 4. Anga Pradakshina
1. Atma Pradakshina : After completion of vrata or daily pooja, one must do atma pradakshinam while chanting this sacred text:
"Yanikanicha papani janmanthara kruthanicha, tani tani pranashyanthi pradakshina padhe padhe
papoham papa karmaanam papatma paapa sambhavah trahimam krupayaadeva, sharanagatha vatsala"
In this type of pradakshina, we go around ourselves, The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshinam.
2. Pada Pradakshinam: In this type of Pradakshina, devotees walk around the temple.
3. Danda Pradakshinam: In this type of Pradakshina, devotees take a step do Sashtanga Pranama, again take another step and do Sashtanga Pranama (Sa ashta anga meaning Eight parts of the body touching the ground).
4. Hejje Namaskara: In this type of Pradakshina, devotees go around the brindavana forwarding with one foot at a time and at the same time, they do the namaskara for each stride. This seva is generally seen at Mantralaya.
5. Anga Pradakshinam: In this type of pradakshina, devotees lie prostrate and roll around the temple. Generally this pradakshina will be done with wet clothes. This is the most powerful pradakshinam for wish fulfillment. This tradition is practised at Tirumala, Mantralaya and many pilgrim places.
The Pradakshinas must be started from the Dhwajastamba in clockwise direction. While observing this seva, one must walk or roll slowly chanting the lord's name (the deity for whom you are offering the seva). Don't hurry or rush yourself while making pradakshinam. Generally devotees offer a minimum of 3, 9,11, 21 or sometimes 108 pradakshinams depending upon their vow for wish fulfillment. While doing these pradakshinams, one must hold both hands together, as we do Namasthe/Namashkar. While doing pradakshinas, our thoughts should be mainly on God, thus we chant Ashtotra or any short verses on the Deity. It is also advisable to hold Haldi stick (Pasupu kommu) or Betel nut or flowers (When you are making 108 pradakshinas, hold 108 flowers or haldi sticks or any auspicious materials) for easy remembrance of the count. Otherwise our thoughts go around counting the pradakshinams and there is no point in doing such seva. Don't forget to include Dhwajastambha in the pradakshinams. After completion of each pradakshina, make Namaskara holding both hands together near Dhwajasthambha and proceed further. Once you are done with Pradakshinams, enter the temple from the right side of Dhwajasthambha. While exit, use left side of the Dhwajasthambha.
Pradakshinam is one of the Shodashopacharas (16 ways of worshipping god). As per puranas, Soothamaharshi narrated the significance of Pradakshinam to Shownakadhi muni's. Let's see the benefits of doing pradakshinam:
PRA - The letter "Pra" removes all fears and worries
DA - The letter "Da" blesses with moksha / renunciation
KSHI- The letter "KSHI" removes all kinds of diseases (Sarva vyadhi nivarana)
NAM - The letter "NAM" blesses with allround prosperity and wealth
There are various methods in doing Pradakshinams:
1. Atma Pradakshina 2. Pada Pradakshina 3. Danda Pradakshina 4. Anga Pradakshina
1. Atma Pradakshina : After completion of vrata or daily pooja, one must do atma pradakshinam while chanting this sacred text:
"Yanikanicha papani janmanthara kruthanicha, tani tani pranashyanthi pradakshina padhe padhe
papoham papa karmaanam papatma paapa sambhavah trahimam krupayaadeva, sharanagatha vatsala"
In this type of pradakshina, we go around ourselves, The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshinam.
2. Pada Pradakshinam: In this type of Pradakshina, devotees walk around the temple.
3. Danda Pradakshinam: In this type of Pradakshina, devotees take a step do Sashtanga Pranama, again take another step and do Sashtanga Pranama (Sa ashta anga meaning Eight parts of the body touching the ground).
4. Hejje Namaskara: In this type of Pradakshina, devotees go around the brindavana forwarding with one foot at a time and at the same time, they do the namaskara for each stride. This seva is generally seen at Mantralaya.
5. Anga Pradakshinam: In this type of pradakshina, devotees lie prostrate and roll around the temple. Generally this pradakshina will be done with wet clothes. This is the most powerful pradakshinam for wish fulfillment. This tradition is practised at Tirumala, Mantralaya and many pilgrim places.
The Pradakshinas must be started from the Dhwajastamba in clockwise direction. While observing this seva, one must walk or roll slowly chanting the lord's name (the deity for whom you are offering the seva). Don't hurry or rush yourself while making pradakshinam. Generally devotees offer a minimum of 3, 9,11, 21 or sometimes 108 pradakshinams depending upon their vow for wish fulfillment. While doing these pradakshinams, one must hold both hands together, as we do Namasthe/Namashkar. While doing pradakshinas, our thoughts should be mainly on God, thus we chant Ashtotra or any short verses on the Deity. It is also advisable to hold Haldi stick (Pasupu kommu) or Betel nut or flowers (When you are making 108 pradakshinas, hold 108 flowers or haldi sticks or any auspicious materials) for easy remembrance of the count. Otherwise our thoughts go around counting the pradakshinams and there is no point in doing such seva. Don't forget to include Dhwajastambha in the pradakshinams. After completion of each pradakshina, make Namaskara holding both hands together near Dhwajasthambha and proceed further. Once you are done with Pradakshinams, enter the temple from the right side of Dhwajasthambha. While exit, use left side of the Dhwajasthambha.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Sri Chinna jeeyar Swamiji's discourse onA:nda:l Thirunakshatram (English)
Sri Chinna jeeyar Swamiji's discourse onA:nda:l Thirunakshatram (English) audio link
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
HH Tridandi Sriman Narayana Jeeyar Swamiji answers to devotees questions
Collection of HH Tridandi Sriman Narayana Jeeyar Swamiji answers to devotees questions (link)
ThirumaN & SrEEChurnam:
Q1. ThirumaN & SrEEChurnam: I would like to know the Spiritual & physical (if any)
reasons for applying Dwadasa Pundras (12 Thirumans). How long ago did the practice Start. (The coloring of SreeChurnam to make it Red in color could not have been aNadi (forever in the past)) Why are there various forms of applying the Thiruman? Are there references in our Puranas on how, where and when to apply Dwadasha pundras?
The practice of wearing Thiruman started long ago. It is so evident in Pa:dma Samhitha of Sri Pa:nchara:tra A:gama, which clearly describes Narayana, who is to be meditated upon in A:ra:dhana, having U:rdhwapundram along with all other jewellary and weapons.
Here we quote
" Sri:bhu:mi sahitham de:vam lala:tay swe:tha mrutsnaya|
krutho:rdhwapundra thilakaihi manditham chenrabhanubhihi||
niyuthai rayuthais chendraih vidyut ka:la:gni ko:tibhihi|
samave:thai rivaikatra te:jah punjair visarpibhihi||
bhrajama:nam dura;lo:ham de:hamandala nirgathaih|
bha:sayantham jagath sarvam dhya:ye:th prakshi:na kalmashaha||"
Here in the above slo:kas Lord has been described having so many u:rdwa pundra:s along with Sri:de:vi & Bhu:de:vi. And that pundra thilakas' shining is so illuminating the whole universe with their moon-light like prabha.
Other than Pa:dma Samhitha, we can see the mentioning of u:rdhwa pundrams in other samhithas also. A:gamas are considered as more authentic scriptures even by The Ve:das. Cha:ndo:gyo:panishad
mentions about it in Na:rada & Sanathkuma:ra discussion.
Regarding color of the pundram, in the above slo:kas it is mentioned to have in 'white'(swe:tha mruth) and the middle one should be in 'light red' (may be a little dark pink) here again Pa:dma Samhitha says 'lala:ta thilakam sowmyam di;pavath swe:tha mrutsnaya' and it goes like that. The process to make
the middle red one is followed by using termaric powder.
Termaric powder is not supposed to be used directly. It has to be purified. The way to do that is to add it with lemon juice and another substance called 'veliga:ram' (what the english term for it? may be crystal) This veliga:ram has to be purified again on fire. Then it becomes powder like. All these three things will be mixed up and dried in shade, not under sun.
That is what people call as 'sri:chu:rnam'. With that the middle one like flame on the fire, to be applied.
The places to apply the pundras are 12 in number. One on the fore head, four all around the neck, two on shoulders, one on chest, three at the stomach and one at the end of the spinal card. There are the key part of the body. They need to be sanctified by applying pundram and chanting His name (there are 12 ke:sava etc names used to all these 12 pundras).
Whenever we take a shower in the morning, we decorate with 12 pundras. It is enough to decorate once a day, not after the food is taken (like in the evening times).
When we talk about the significance, we go through the sa:stras and that is all. We can say a few reasons, of course, but confining to scriptures is really beautiful.
For our satisfaction few things are told they are:
1. If one has pundras, he cannot do unwanted things. If he tries to do, the society around will not allow him to do so.
2. It is a mark of respect to say that we belong to Lord Lakshmi Na:ra:yana.
3. Those parts of the body may be activated in satwic way by which we can think and do better activities.
4. If we wear those pundras we become Srivaishnavas and it seems, the god of death 'Yamaraj' will never look at us, according to Maha Bharat.
ThirumaN & SrEEChurnam:
Q1. ThirumaN & SrEEChurnam: I would like to know the Spiritual & physical (if any)
reasons for applying Dwadasa Pundras (12 Thirumans). How long ago did the practice Start. (The coloring of SreeChurnam to make it Red in color could not have been aNadi (forever in the past)) Why are there various forms of applying the Thiruman? Are there references in our Puranas on how, where and when to apply Dwadasha pundras?
The practice of wearing Thiruman started long ago. It is so evident in Pa:dma Samhitha of Sri Pa:nchara:tra A:gama, which clearly describes Narayana, who is to be meditated upon in A:ra:dhana, having U:rdhwapundram along with all other jewellary and weapons.
Here we quote
" Sri:bhu:mi sahitham de:vam lala:tay swe:tha mrutsnaya|
krutho:rdhwapundra thilakaihi manditham chenrabhanubhihi||
niyuthai rayuthais chendraih vidyut ka:la:gni ko:tibhihi|
samave:thai rivaikatra te:jah punjair visarpibhihi||
bhrajama:nam dura;lo:ham de:hamandala nirgathaih|
bha:sayantham jagath sarvam dhya:ye:th prakshi:na kalmashaha||"
Here in the above slo:kas Lord has been described having so many u:rdwa pundra:s along with Sri:de:vi & Bhu:de:vi. And that pundra thilakas' shining is so illuminating the whole universe with their moon-light like prabha.
Other than Pa:dma Samhitha, we can see the mentioning of u:rdhwa pundrams in other samhithas also. A:gamas are considered as more authentic scriptures even by The Ve:das. Cha:ndo:gyo:panishad
mentions about it in Na:rada & Sanathkuma:ra discussion.
Regarding color of the pundram, in the above slo:kas it is mentioned to have in 'white'(swe:tha mruth) and the middle one should be in 'light red' (may be a little dark pink) here again Pa:dma Samhitha says 'lala:ta thilakam sowmyam di;pavath swe:tha mrutsnaya' and it goes like that. The process to make
the middle red one is followed by using termaric powder.
Termaric powder is not supposed to be used directly. It has to be purified. The way to do that is to add it with lemon juice and another substance called 'veliga:ram' (what the english term for it? may be crystal) This veliga:ram has to be purified again on fire. Then it becomes powder like. All these three things will be mixed up and dried in shade, not under sun.
That is what people call as 'sri:chu:rnam'. With that the middle one like flame on the fire, to be applied.
The places to apply the pundras are 12 in number. One on the fore head, four all around the neck, two on shoulders, one on chest, three at the stomach and one at the end of the spinal card. There are the key part of the body. They need to be sanctified by applying pundram and chanting His name (there are 12 ke:sava etc names used to all these 12 pundras).
Whenever we take a shower in the morning, we decorate with 12 pundras. It is enough to decorate once a day, not after the food is taken (like in the evening times).
When we talk about the significance, we go through the sa:stras and that is all. We can say a few reasons, of course, but confining to scriptures is really beautiful.
For our satisfaction few things are told they are:
1. If one has pundras, he cannot do unwanted things. If he tries to do, the society around will not allow him to do so.
2. It is a mark of respect to say that we belong to Lord Lakshmi Na:ra:yana.
3. Those parts of the body may be activated in satwic way by which we can think and do better activities.
4. If we wear those pundras we become Srivaishnavas and it seems, the god of death 'Yamaraj' will never look at us, according to Maha Bharat.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Teertha yatra - Sri Malyadri Lakshminarasimha Swamy Temple - Malakonda, Somaramam Shivalayam Temple videos (Telugu)
Teertha yatra - Sri Malyadri Lakshminarasimha Swamy Temple - Malakonda, Somaramam Shivalayam Temple videos (Telugu videos)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Prajna Slokas Daily Chanting
Prajna Slokas Daily Chanting in the voice of Sri Chinna jeeyar swamiji here
Friday, February 4, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
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